Friday, December 17, 2010

welcome home deebz

Last night, my bff Danielle Brown (aka Deebz) arrived in NOVA! After a 2 or 3 hour flight delay from Orlando to Dulles, she finally made it! Erin, Fish, and I all went to pick her up from the airport, which was a pretty interesting experience to say the least. Since there was so much snow on the runway, Deebz didn't get off her plane for like 45 minutes. So basically we drove around the loop at Dulles airport for forever. Then we decided we should venture out and wait at the "Cell Phone Waiting Area", which I never even knew existed...promising. Naturally, we got lost trying to find our way to that unknown parking area. And by the time we did find it, Deebz was getting her luggage at baggage claim. Oops! So we drove back around the loop and finally parked outside the jetblue arrivals door. A few minutes later, our Deebz came walking out...YAY!!! We were all so overwhelmed with excitement that we happened to be blocking a little asian family and many other cars by parking Erin's car in the outer loop. So Deebz hurried out at loaded her HUGE two 52 pound suitcases (for 2.5 weeks) into the trunk and we scurried out of there. Already quite an adventure!

After that initial excitement, we stopped by Erin's house to drop off Deebz's suitcases for the week since she is staying with Erin first. Then we went to the one and only Glory Days! It felt like high school again. Deebz and Erin got shark attacks (shirley temples). Except to our surprise, instead of getting sharks they got holiday duckies in their drinks! Fish  and I just got water, of course. For dinner, Deebz and I had boneless Glory wings, and Fish and Erin got burgers. So American, yumm! We stayed at Glory Days for probably about 2 hours just because we didn't want to leave.

Finally, we made our way to the car to head home. We stopped at my house first and ended up staying there for like another 2 hours. We talked to the Terms, ate brownies, reminisced on OHS DT days, and then decided to whip out the end-of-the-year dance team dvds. I must say, they were HILARIOUS! I don't think we have ever laughed as hard as we did in a long, long time. We watched 2007 and 2008. Let me just say it is amazing how much better the team gets every year! Oh my goodness.

Well, I am pretty disappointed I don't have any pics to put on here yet. But it is only Day 1 of the Deebz Adventures Series. We successfully wrote out a list of all the things we want to accomplish while Deebz is visiting, and I am sure we will have lots of funny pics to share on the CAT's meow soon. Stay tuned, and stay warm...

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