Of course today is Labor Day, so Happy Labor Day! Unfortunately Virginia Tech does not recognize Labor Day as a holiday, so we have classes today like any other Monday. However, I will be sure to take time to relax and give my labors a rest today in honor of this great day. I hope everyone can find the time to do the same.
Now for a quick recap of my weekend:
On Thursday we had our first social of the semester with SAE. The theme was black out or get out, so we all wore all black. I didn't take any pictures on my camera, but my little took some. Of course she hasn't posted them yet though, so I don't have any pictures to show for.
Friday evening was the Spirit Rally for our first football game. The rally was held on the GLC lawn and it looked like it was going to be a great event. The weather, however, decided not to cooperate with our plans and we ended up being POURED on. But the Spirit Rally was held nonetheless, despite the thunder, lightning, and torrential downpour.
After the Spirit Rally, CC picked me up and we went to Kobe for a delicious meal! There is no place like Kobe. Then we proceeded to go back to CC's apartment for a girls night consisting of baking cookies, gossiping, and "No Strings Attached."
The following morning, KJ and I woke up bright and early to go tailgate with her family because it was GAME DAY!! We got decked out in maroon and orange and headed over to the parking lot to join the tailgate.
The game started at 12:30, so we found our seats in the East Stands just in time for Enter Sandman. This game was probably the HOTTEST game I had ever been to. We were literally dripping sweat from the minute we started jumping. But we stayed to see most of the game regardless. The final score was VT 66 - App State 13. I'd say we're off to a great start for the season! PLUS, Frank Beamer signed a contract extending to 2016 at halftime. Doesn't get much better than that.
Lastly, Sunday Funday. I woke up and got West End brunch with Joey and Doug. Although Joey is in the real world now, we always find a way to rekindle our family. I love it! After brunch I came home and "worked" on my schoolwork for awhile, but mostly took care of emails and extracurricular duties. We all then met for Chapter at 6pm and then got dinner on campus. And to end the weekend right, I met Carly afterwards to go on our traditional Sunday night walk that we started over the summer.
With such an amazing weekend under my belt, I know I am off to a great start for the week! I even got 10 hours of sleep last night to top it off. Bring on Monday!
Y'all beat my school bad this weekend :( It was a fun weekend though for sure!