Tuesday, August 2, 2011

week 3 is bittersweet (mostly bitter)

I apologize for being SUPER behind on blogging about week 3 and the conclusion of OLXI. Part of me just didn't want to admit it was actually over. But now that I have been home for 2 days, I am coming to that realization, unfortunately.

First off, I would just like to thank all of my week 3 sessions for being SO awesome. Each session was very engaged, asked lots of great questions, and was really loud for our Group 28 cheer. I couldn't ask for better groups of freshmen to end my OLXI experience. So thank you for that sessions 9-12.

Session 9

Session 10

Session 11

Session 12

During week 3, I celebrated my 20th birthday (on July 26th)...but I will post a separate blog about that later. All I'm going to say is that Orientation birthdays are the BEST birthdays. Stay tuned for more on my birthday celebration(s).

I guess now is that time where I sum up my summer as an Orientation Leader for VT. Where do I even begin? I have been blogging about the application process, spring training, summer training, and the month of Orientation for almost a full year now...and this is the "end" to it all. 

To put it simply, being a part of OLXI was everything I ever imagined it would be, and about 1,000 times more! I will say it time and time again, I knew I wanted to be an Orientation Leader from the minute the 2009 OLs made their introductions at my Freshman Orientation. I went through the application and interview process in the Fall knowing how badly I wanted to be a part of this program, but I had NO idea how much of an impact this experience would have on me. 

Thanks to OLXI, I pushed and challenged myself in ways I never had before, I learned so much more about myself and my wonderful university, I have gotten to know the most amazing group of student leaders at VT and made friendships with them that I know will last a lifetime, and as Rick Sparks (Assistant Dean of Students) put it at the end of summer banquet, "You 24 OLs have made an impact not only on the incoming class of Hokies and the university this summer, but you set the tone for the rest of their time here at Virginia Tech. And that is something that will never be forgotten." 

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